CSCI 338: Fall 2023

Software Engineering

CSCI 338: Fall 2023


Week Assignment Description Points Due Days Left
Week 1 Lab 1 Code Editors 6 points Thu, 08/24 08/24/23
Week 3 Lab 2 Version Control and Branch Management with git and GitHub 6 points Wed, 09/06 09/06/23
Week 4 Lab 3 Intro to Docker 6 points Tue, 09/12 09/12/23
Week 5 Lab 4 Writing Tests in JavaScript & Python 6 points Sun, 09/24 09/24/23
Week 7 HW1 Build Your First Feature 20 points Fri, 10/06 10/06/23
Week 8 Lab 5 AsyncIO, FastAPI, and Python 6 points Thu, 10/12 10/12/23
Week 9 Lab 6 Intro to Client-Side Programming with "Vanilla JavaScript" 6 points Thu, 10/19 10/19/23
Week 11 Lab 7 Intro to Client-Side Programming with React 6 points Thu, 11/02 11/02/23
Week 13 Lab 8 Storing Your Tasks in a Database 6 points Thu, 11/16 11/16/23
Week 16 HW2 Build Your Second Feature 20 points Fri, 12/08 12/08/23
Week 17 Exam Final Exam Tue, 12/12 12/12/23