CSCI 338: Fall 2023

Software Engineering

CSCI 338: Fall 2023

Schedule > 10. UX / UI Design Patterns

Thu, Nov 9

UX / UI Readings & Resources

Great Websites & Designs

Style Guides and Guidelines

As you instantiate your frameworks, keep in mind that most companies have standardized widgets, stylesheets, and guidelines to ensure an integrated look-an-feel. Here are some style guides. Please use them to get ideas!

Organization Name of Design Brand
Salesforce Lightning Design System
Alibaba Ant Design
Atlassian Design Guidelines
Firefox Acorn Design
IBM Carbon Design
Intuit Harmony Design
Shopify Polaris
US Federal Government Web Design Standards
Accessibility Resources Web Accessibility

Color Tools

Fonts & Icons

Material Design

Email Lists

For web dev trends / news:



Today, we will exploring React Component Libraries.

1. Clone the demo repo

From the command line:

  1. Navigate to your csci338 folder (make sure you’re not in a directory that’s already under version control).
  2. Clone this repository:
    git clone
  3. Navigate into the csci338-components-routes directory on the command line.
  4. Install the node dependencies: npm install
  5. Start your react app: npm start. A react app should open in the browser: http://localhost:3000

2. Open the folder in your code editor

  1. Open the folder in your code editor
  2. Take a look at the sample code
  3. Open App.js and notice that there are routes. What do you think these routes do? A nice explanation can be found here

[Code walkthrough…]

3. Installing the Ant Design component library

Now, we’re going to install the Ant Design component library (developed by Alibaba).

  1. Stop your react app.
  2. Install the antd package and save it to your package.json file: npm install antd --save

After installing this package, take a look at your package.json file and notice that a new dependency has been added.

4. Adding Components

Getting Started

Let’s take a look at the introductory documentation for Ant: Try adding the DatePicker Component to pages/Explore.js, just for practice.


Now let’s look at the component documentation for all of the components: Note that there are a set of components that are common to all app development, including:


Let’s try incorporating some Ant components into our UI…

When you’re done experimenting, checkout out the ant-widgets branch to see some sample Ant components in action.